Is homeowners insurance able to cover water damage?

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Written By MatthewWashington

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Is homeowners insurance able to cover water damage?

It’s not pleasant to wake up to find your basement is flooding due to a faulty heater. You will likely be asking yourself the following question: Does my homeowners insurance cover water damage?

Your standard homeowners insurance policy will pay for the damages. An agent can assist you in filing a water damage insurance claim. Water damage is not always covered.

Most homeowners insurance policies will cover water damage that occurs unexpectedly or accidently from an inside source, such as a burst pipe. Your standard policy will not cover water damage that is caused by water outside your home. Flood insurance is an additional policy that provides flood protection. This can be a smart addition for your home coverage.

Water damage that is not covered by homeowners insurance

The source of water damage will determine whether your homeowners insurance will cover it. These are the three situations in which homeowners insurance will not cover you:

If maintenance problems are not addressed, they can become costly. Your homeowners insurance won’t likely cover water damage caused by a leaky sink for many months.

Replacement or repair of the source of the water damage. Your homeowners insurance won’t cover costs for replacing or repairing a washing machine that caused water damage in your laundry room. It will usually cover the cost of repairing your floors.

Flood-related issues. Flood damage is not covered by homeowners insurance. You will need separate flood insurance coverage.

Preventing water damage

  • It’s easier to avoid water damage than having the damage covered. These tips will help you prevent water damage to your home.
  • Clear, inspect, and replace the hoses that connect to washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters.
  • Make sure water supply lines are open and clear. Make sure they do not run underneath other objects.
  • To prevent sediment buildup, drain water heaters twice per year.
  • Keep your pipes warm and insulated to prevent them from freezing and burst. Any pipes that lead to the outside should be run a little water.
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A Smarthome water leak sensor is worth looking into. Smart options for your home include Wi Fi connected thermostats. These thermostats prevent your home becoming too cold for pipes to freeze.

These articles will provide more information on how to protect pipes during winter.

Water damage vs. flood damage: an important distinction

Keep in mind that flood damage and water damage are distinct things. It can be difficult to distinguish the two. This is why it is important to carefully read your insurance policy or get help from your agent. A flood is water that has come from nature. This is the main difference. Flood insurance is an option if you live near large bodies of water that could overflow or are prone to heavy rains.

What is a flood?

The National Flood Insurance Program established the following legal definition of a flood: A flood is an emergency situation in which two or more acres of land are normally unaffected or two or three properties are submerged by water or mudflow.